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Maritime Quarterly Author Guidelines:


The Maritime Quarterly was firstly issued in 1963. The journal published independent, original and rigorous analysis of high quality research articles drawn from across the spectrum of economics, legal, policy and management concerns facing the shipping, port, air cargo, and logistics industry today. The refereed papers in the journal cover the subjects but are not limited to: container shipping, bulk shipping, ferry, cruise, seaports, airlines (relevant to air cargo), air cargo terminal, logistics, intermodal, and the associated infrastructure such as vessel traffic control. The abovementioned manuscripts should be not previously published in the other journals.

The authors should take the full responsibility on the contents in their manuscripts. The copy right infringement is a tort and authors are strictly requested not to violate it. False citation, plagiarism, and translation of published articles are unethical and are not allowed. All legal responsibility resulted from these unethical behaviours are the sole responsibility of the authors. Maritime Quarterly will withdraw its published articles with these unethical issues. All authors must sign and prudently read the LETTER OF GUARANTEE.

Maritime Quarterly owns the sole copyright on all articles it accepted. Without written permission from the editor-in-chief, articles published in the Maritime Quarterly are not allowed to be re-produced in any form for any other academic journals.

Manuscripts submitted for publication consideration should be typed in the A4 landscape format, and the maximum number of words include in the submitted manuscript should not exceed 20,000. The presentation of the manuscripts should be in the following order: Cover page (including Title, Authors names, Authors Affiliation), Abstract, Key Words, Main Text, Annotation, Exhibition (Tables and Charts), Reference, and Appendix. The maximum number of words allowed in the abstract section is 300.

Manuscript Preparation

(1) Manuscripts should be single spaced, with wide (3cm) margins, left-hand margin and preferably in 12-point Time New Roman font. (2) The cover page should contain the following information: (a) title of the article; (b) the title of the author(s); (c) the name(s) and institutional affiliation (s) of the author(s); (d) an abstract of 100-200 words with the article and plus a list of up to four keywords. Particularly, the title of the article should be typed in 18-point-bold Time New Roman font and putted in the middle with single space, and mark “ * ” behind the main corresponding author. An abstract and key words should be typed in 11-point Time New Roman font.

(2) Table and graph should be in separate page and double spaced and the table cannot be accepted in the photograph form. Each table and graph should be consecutively ordered by number.

(3) Chapter/section should be considered as following example:

—Main Chapter/Section

—First Subchapter/Subsections

—Second Subchapters/Subsections

 (4) Chapter/section can be consecutively marked as following:

Main Chapter/Section: 1, 2, 3, 4......

—First Subchapter/Subsections: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4......

—Second Subchapters/Subsections:1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3, 1.1.4......


(5) Reference must be registered in alphabetical order according to the author’s last name which cited in the text and in single space. The examples are as follow:

     Book and Other Monographs:

Stopford, M., 2003. Maritime Economics, Second Edition, Rutledge: London.


Shang, K.C. and Lu, C.S., 2009. Effects of safety climate on perceptions of safety performance in container terminal operations. Transport Reviews, 29(1), 1-19.

Conference report and papers:

Lu, C.S. and Shang, K.C., 2004. Safety climate and safety performance in container. In Proceedings of the 10th Asia Pacific Management Conference, pp. 309-324, Daejeon, Korea.


Shang, K.C., 2002. Building Sustained Competitive Advantage Through Logistics Company: An Empirical Study of the Manufacturing Industry in Taiwan, PhD Dissertation, Department of Logistics and Operation Management University of Wales College of Cardiff, UK.

Documents obtained from the Internet:

Ministry of Transportation and Communication, 2010. Transportation Research Statistics. Retrieved from http://www.motc.org.tw.

Government report:

United Nation Conference on Trade and Development, 2010. Review of Maritime Transport 2010, UNCTAD/RMT/2010, United Nations, New York.


Regarding to impartiality and professional, the editor will designate 2-3 referees for double-blind peer review. Based on referees’ recommendations, the editor decides whether the article will be accepted, accepted subject to revised, or rejected.


Authors are requested to submit their manuscripts online via the following website: http://www.mq.org.tw. Any enquiry on the submission to the Maritime Quarterly should directly contact with Mr. Mingsheng Lin via the following email address: [email protected] or telephone number +886-2-2551-7540 ext. 14.






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